Smart Solutions

improved air cleaning and longer air filter life for machines working in extreme environments.

Sy-Klone RESPA Clean Air technology now available for your machine's engine and Cabine



Increased Filter life means decreased maintenance and downtime

Air filter life is directly related to the amount of debris ingested through an engine’s air intake. Installing a Sy-Klone Series 9000® Air Precleaner as the first stage of an air intake system prevents the majority of heavier-than-air particles from entering the system. This results in longer air filter life, more efficient engine performance and decreased maintenance expenses.


XLR Powered Precleaner for Engines

Utilizing a powered pre-cleaner combined with an ultra-low restriction filter Sy-Klone XLR systems provide improved air cleaning and longer air filter life for machines working in extreme environments.
Available in single or multiple core installations with several filter grade options The XLR system can be tailored to suit most machine models and environments.

XLR Benefits:
• The most effective engine air pre-cleaner available
• Lowers machine operating cost
• Quickly recover costs of investment
• Extends primary engine air filter life
• XLR prefilter changes do not expose engine to field service contamination
• Improved oil samples (significantly lower contaminate levels)
• Helps to preserve your engine, catalytic converter, and prevents related downtime costs

Work Principle

1. Debris-laden air enters the pre-cleaner.
2. The motor whips the air into a vortex with the debris riding along the outer walls.
3. Debris is ejected from the pre-cleaner.
4. The clean air in the center of the system is then pushed through the filter with very low restriction.
5. The filter and housing are self-cleaning as debris falls off the filter and is then ejected from the housing.

see it in action


Cab & Enclosure Products

Sy-Klone’s patented RESPA® Cab and Enclosure Air Quality Products are cost effective tools at providing clean air to your HVAC system and keeping recycled air safe and breathable by greatly reducing respirable contamination. Not only are these innovative products revolutionizing the industry, but they are also allowing companies to meet regulatory compliance with ease. Our Cab Air Quality products have been proven in mining, waste, forestry, and agriculture and are available as a first-fit option from many original equipment manufacturers.
